Warning: unlink(/home/dayioglu/public_html/vakif/system/storage/cache/cache.currency.1725164387): Permission denied in /home/dayioglu/public_html/vakif/system/library/cache/file.php on line 17Warning: unlink(/home/dayioglu/public_html/vakif/system/storage/cache/cache.frontend.lang.1725165031): Permission denied in /home/dayioglu/public_html/vakif/system/library/cache/file.php on line 17Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/dayioglu/public_html/vakif/system/framework.php:38) in /home/dayioglu/public_html/vakif/frontend/controller/startup/session.php on line 25Warning: unlink(/home/dayioglu/public_html/vakif/system/storage/cache/cache.frontend.lang.1725165031): Permission denied in /home/dayioglu/public_html/vakif/system/library/cache/file.php on line 68Warning: fopen(/home/dayioglu/public_html/vakif/system/storage/cache/cache.frontend.lang.1739024635): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/dayioglu/public_html/vakif/system/library/cache/file.php on line 49Warning: flock() expects parameter 1 to be resource, bool given in /home/dayioglu/public_html/vakif/system/library/cache/file.php on line 51Warning: fwrite() expects parameter 1 to be resource, bool given in /home/dayioglu/public_html/vakif/system/library/cache/file.php on line 53Warning: fflush() expects parameter 1 to be resource, bool given in /home/dayioglu/public_html/vakif/system/library/cache/file.php on line 55Warning: flock() expects parameter 1 to be resource, bool given in /home/dayioglu/public_html/vakif/system/library/cache/file.php on line 57Warning: fclose() expects parameter 1 to be resource, bool given in /home/dayioglu/public_html/vakif/system/library/cache/file.php on line 59Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/dayioglu/public_html/vakif/system/framework.php:38) in /home/dayioglu/public_html/vakif/frontend/controller/startup/startup.php on line 77Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/dayioglu/public_html/vakif/system/framework.php:38) in /home/dayioglu/public_html/vakif/frontend/controller/startup/startup.php on line 138Warning: fopen(/home/dayioglu/public_html/vakif/system/storage/logs/errors.log): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/dayioglu/public_html/vakif/system/library/log.php on line 6Warning: unlink(/home/dayioglu/public_html/vakif/system/storage/cache/cache.frontend.lang.1725165031): Permission denied in /home/dayioglu/public_html/vakif/system/library/cache/file.php on line 68Warning: fopen(/home/dayioglu/public_html/vakif/system/storage/cache/cache.frontend.lang.1739024635): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/dayioglu/public_html/vakif/system/library/cache/file.php on line 49Warning: flock() expects parameter 1 to be resource, bool given in /home/dayioglu/public_html/vakif/system/library/cache/file.php on line 51Warning: fwrite() expects parameter 1 to be resource, bool given in /home/dayioglu/public_html/vakif/system/library/cache/file.php on line 53Warning: fflush() expects parameter 1 to be resource, bool given in /home/dayioglu/public_html/vakif/system/library/cache/file.php on line 55Warning: flock() expects parameter 1 to be resource, bool given in /home/dayioglu/public_html/vakif/system/library/cache/file.php on line 57Warning: fclose() expects parameter 1 to be resource, bool given in /home/dayioglu/public_html/vakif/system/library/cache/file.php on line 59Warning: unlink(/home/dayioglu/public_html/vakif/system/storage/cache/cache.frontend.lang.1725165031): Permission denied in /home/dayioglu/public_html/vakif/system/library/cache/file.php on line 68Warning: fopen(/home/dayioglu/public_html/vakif/system/storage/cache/cache.frontend.lang.1739024635): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/dayioglu/public_html/vakif/system/library/cache/file.php on line 49Warning: flock() expects parameter 1 to be resource, bool given in /home/dayioglu/public_html/vakif/system/library/cache/file.php on line 51Warning: fwrite() expects parameter 1 to be resource, bool given in /home/dayioglu/public_html/vakif/system/library/cache/file.php on line 53Warning: fflush() expects parameter 1 to be resource, bool given in /home/dayioglu/public_html/vakif/system/library/cache/file.php on line 55Warning: flock() expects parameter 1 to be resource, bool given in /home/dayioglu/public_html/vakif/system/library/cache/file.php on line 57Warning: fclose() expects parameter 1 to be resource, bool given in /home/dayioglu/public_html/vakif/system/library/cache/file.php on line 59 Gülten Dayıoğlu Çocuk ve Gençlik Edebiyatı Vakfı 10. Yaşında!

Gülten Dayıoğlu Çocuk ve Gençlik Edebiyatı Vakfı 10. Yaşında!

Yayınlama: 2 yıl önce

Son güncelleme: 2 yıl önce

Okuma süresi: 3 dakika

Çocuk ve Gençlik Edebiyatı'na nitelikli yeni eserler kazandırmak amacıyla kurulan  Gülten Dayıoğlu Çocuk ve Gençlik Edebiyatı Vakfı, 10. yaşını kutluyor! 
"Bir öğretmen ve yazar olarak beni bugünlere getiren kuşaklara ve yarınlara borcum var," diyerek 2007 yılında ailesiyle birlikte Gülten Dayıoğlu Çocuk ve Gençlik Edebiyatı Vakfı'nı kuran Gülten Dayıoğlu, vakıf hizmetinin edebiyata karşı bir bakıma sosyal sorumluluk olduğunu belirtiyor. 
Nitelikli çocuk ve gençlik kitaplarının yazılmasını desteklemek ve özendirmek amacıyla kurulan vakıf, her sene verdiği Gülten Dayıoğlu Çocuk ve Gençlik Edebiyatı Ödülleri ile yazarları teşvik ediyor. Ödüle değer görülen eserler ise Altın Kitaplar tarafından basılarak okurla buluşuyor. 
Bu sene ödül almaya değer görülen Gamze Pat Beğenilmiş'in ödülü ise 13 Mayıs  2017’de vakfın 10. yaş kutlamasının yapılacağı özel bir törenle kendisine takdim edilecek. 
Ayrıntılı bilgi ve röportaj talebi için:
Basın ve Halkla İlişkiler Sorumlusu
Tel: 0212 446 38 88
Mobil: 0554 566 64 64
Mobil: 0541 446 02 28


Yorum Yap

Warning: fclose() expects parameter 1 to be resource, bool given in /home/dayioglu/public_html/vakif/system/library/log.php on line 14Warning: fclose() expects parameter 1 to be resource, bool given in /home/dayioglu/public_html/vakif/system/library/log.php on line 14